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CS version 15.0 beta for administrators of the project

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Linearia staff - Administrator

This concerns CS licenses ONLY and administrators of the project.

On February 15th 2015, they will be able to use the new version of the licenses, 15.0, for their works. The license will be available for everyone on March 1st 2015.

New texts :

Attribution. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the ticket or the license, and indicate what changes were made. You can give a link to the licensed work as an attribution part.

NonCommercial You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

NoAdvice You may not comment, advise or rate the licensed material, whatever the platform used.

ShareAlike If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

NoRight If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not set it under a strict copyright license, deposit the modified material.

NoDerivatives If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. You are authorized to use the material for another work, but only if you don't transform it.

No additional restrictions You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Other rights You may not use the works for harm another person, company or group. If this condition isn't respected, you lose immediatly your rights.

What changed

- Other rights : automatically added to any license text. This is the only condition where if you don't respect it, all your rights are removed from the time when you make the fault (other ones : 30 days delay).
- BY : The end sentence has been removed due to the adding of "Other rights".
- BY : You can set the link to the licensed material directly as an attribution mark. The link must indicate the name of the author, the license used and its version and all other attribution marks.
- BY : As in the 4.0 version of CC licenses, you must indicate if the work is an original material or a derivative.
- NA : The text has been completly modified, is now clearer. You can't rate a work (thumbs up/down, +1/-1...), comment it, or give advises on a material with this mention.
- NR : The text now says that you can't set a CR license to a modified material from a work with the NR mention. It was the case with previous versions, but the text is now more explicit.
- ND : If you use the work without any modifications but only including it in another work (for example, a music or a picture), you are authorized to use it. This wasn't clear in the texts of the previous versions.

This new is valid from February 15th 2015. For all anterior dates, please use the 14.0 nov2014 version.

Note : On March 1st 2015, we won't accept anymore works under CS 13.0 license and CS 14.0 license (except for nov2014 version). Thanks for your comprehension.

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