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Version 14.0 november 2014 : the texts

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Linearia staff - Administrator

This concerns CS licenses ONLY.

In november, the licenses texts have a few changed, being more comprehensible for everyone, and are without ancient errors in the previous texts.

If you use CS 14.0 nov 2014 version, here are the texts that you need to use.

Attribution. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the ticket, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner.

NonCommercial You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

NoAdvice You can't comment or give your advice in positive or negative terms on this work, whatever the platform used.

ShareAlike If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

NoRight If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you can't copyright or deposit the modified material.

NoDerivatives If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

No additional restrictions You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

What has changed?

- In "Attribution" text, the former text was like the CC text for "Attribution". In CS licenses, you can indicate or not if the author of the work gave to you the use. But beware if you use a CS work without his/her permission...

- In "No Advice" text, the last sentence was removed. It's automatic : when you comment/critic (in good or bad positions), you lose your rights until 30 days. Parodies are considered as critics if they comment the work in non-neutral terms. In this case, and only this case, they're forbidden (note : beware with the works with "No Derivative" mention, parodies are also considered as derivatives...).

What does that mean?

Attribution : you write AND the name of the author AND the title of the work, and, if needed, link to the ticket (so, human-readable summary of the license) and if you have modified the work or not. As in CC 4.0 version, you must indicate if the work is original or a derivative. In the case of an original work, you can write it in your intern files for the work.

Share-Alike : We reviewed some points on this mention right there. Remember that a work under CC-BY-SA or CC-BY-NC-SA isn't compatible with a CS work, and less a CS work with a SA mention! Creative Commons licenses allow EVERYONE to use the work. Not the Specific copyleft ones!

Non Commercial : the author has got a choice. He/She can sell his/her work, but not the persons who use the material. This is a common point between CC and CS licenses. But a "Non Commercial" license doesn't allow you to use a licensed work for advertising, selling (deposition isn't allowed because we can get money with a deposed work).

No Advice : a special term exclusive to CS licenses, that doesn't allow you to make critics or comments about the work. It can be used, for example, if the work is subject to polemics... For YouTube, there's a way to see if this term is applied. If you don't see the numbers of votes on a video, or if comments are closed, the video is under a "No Advice" mention, whatever the original license used.

No Right : a mention exclusive to CS licenses, less restrictive than "Share-Alike" for the licenses that can be chosen. If "Share-Alike" allows you to use the original license ONLY, "No Right" doesn't allow you to use... Copyright licenses only. If a work has got a "NR" mention, you can make a derivative under a CS or a CC license, but not under a CR license.

No Derivative : the most restrictive of the mentions. Any derivative is forbidden. Parodies included. They're seen as derivatives.
However, in some cases of CS licenses, some uses of the work (if it's not modified) are allowed. But the work can't be published if it has been modified.

No Additional restrictions : classical at CC licenses. Deposition can be seen as an additional restriction, notainly when the work is too easily recognizible. Also used in CS licenses, but we're thinking about the disappearence of this paragraph, that can be replaced by some mentions.

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